The Victum - Products Project - has been operating in the project development market since 1994 with the purpose of offering product engineering development to the general industries, especially in the electronics and technology segment with a national technological base.
Acting in the development of products as a company that provides services, it has prospered and consolidated in the electro-electronic segment due to the innovative characteristic of its projects. Also noteworthy is the development of its own technology to enable the access of companies from the small-scale electronics segment to the injected plastic market, thus ensuring greater competitiveness for the encapsulation of its products.
Victum's specialty is what we call "integrated design" in functional solutions for electronic products. We integrate all processes that are between the conception of a product and the manufacture of the first lots, within the same physical space and with the direct involvement of multidisciplinary teams. This ensures a product that is extremely well resolved and able to meet the needs of local businesses developing new technologies at a low cost and high speed. Our process ensures its competitiveness in front of multinational corporations of high weight in the market and greater capacity of investment.
With an internal structure that goes from design to production, and a team of engineers, designers and manufacturing experts, we guarantee a final product extremely well resolved in the aesthetic, functional and productive dimensions, unparalleled in Brazilian industry.
We are a product development company focused on creating user experience with the product. Our projects seek to simplify and smallness the product with maximum economy. Our projects seek the simplification and feasibility of the product with maximum economy. We are a product development company focused on creating user experience with the product. Our projects seek to simplify and reduce the product with maximum economy. Our goal is to offer functional products with quality, beauty and competitive cost for low-scale productions not possible through conventional production processes.
To be the reference in innovative and integrated solutions in product engineering for the national market.
Innovative and integrated solutions in product engineering.
Provide innovative and integrated solutions in product engineering to the market; customized, also feasible for low scale, in a sustainable manner and with social responsibility.
Business ethics;
Innovation and creativity;
Relationship (internal and external).
Victum Eletro Eletrônica Ltda. is committed to providing innovative and integrated solutions in customer-focused product engineering by continuously improving the effectiveness of its quality management system in accordance with the following guidelines:
Clients satisfaction;
Application of high technical standards to meet customer requirements;
Continuous improvement of internal processes;
Durable and mutually beneficial relationships with your suppliers;
Adequate resources and working conditions;
A healthy, stimulating and challenging environment that favors innovation;
Competence of collaborators;
Focus on result;
Business ethics and social responsibility.
Av. A. J. Renner, 285, Humaitá
Porto Alegre (RS) - Brasil
Projeto de produtos
+ 55 (51) 3275 5400